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Key features include:

Vendor Background Checks

Easy to use QR Code Sign-in System

Automatic Re-Verification Protocols

Zero Cost to Schools and School Districts

Meticulously Logs All Visitor Activity

Important Tool in Liability and Risk Management

Vendor Access Management

Tailored for School Districts

Guarantees Strigent Access Control

Allows Only Authorized Individuals to Enter School Premises

Important Tool in Liability and Risk Management

Meticulously Logs All Visitor Activity


John Smith

PowerUp Electronic Services

Valid Until:

April 01, 2025

School Vendor Management

Register Vendors in Advance

Vendors register in advance, undergo background checks, and acquire badges before entering school property.

Critical Record Keeping

Vendor registrations, identity checks, background checks, and time/date of all school visits are recorded and stored in the SSID system.

Record All Vendor Visits

Registration , identity and background checks are logged as well as visits.

Record All Vendor Visits

Registration , identity and background checks are logged as well as visits.

Critical Record Keeping

Vendor registrations, identity checks, background checks, and time/date of all school visits are recorded and stored in the SSID system.

School Vendor Security System

Discover Safe School ID (SSID): your solution to modern, efficient, and secure school vendor management.

SSID is a school vendor security system that gives schools the tools and the power to fully vet and manage every vendor who enters their schools.


SSID logs all visitor activity, which is critical for security audits and minimizing liability and risk management.


Joint Sponsors

Final Step

Vendor Validation on School Property

  • Schools determine the best vendor check-in system for their respective schools. 

  • Vendors present their validation badge to identified school personnel for check-in, their QR code is scanned, and they are automatically logged in the SSID system.

  • Schools retain 100% control over who they ultimately allow into their respective schools. SSID provides the tools, database, and tracking mechanisms for schools to make the most informed decisions.




Step 1

District Registers on SSID IASA Branded Website

  • Individual schools register on SSID website and alert their vendors to the new security requirements to access school property.

  • Schools receive onboarding information from SSID including best practices for implementation.

  • Live and pre-recorded webinars and technical support will be continuously available to schools free of charge from SSID support staff.

Step 2

Vendor Companies Register on SSID Website

  • Vendor companies register via our website and upload a payment method to cover the cost of their individual employee verifications.

  • Companies then direct their employees to complete verification through our comprehensive vetting system which includes:

    • Online identity verification via live facial recognition system

    • Federal court criminal database check

    • State and County court records check

    • Quarterly, automated re-verification for frequent vendors

    • Annual, automated re-verification for infrequent vendors

  • If vendor employees pass verification they receive a personalized QR code validation badge which can be:

    • Downloaded into IOS or Android wallet

    • Accessed online via smartphone

    • Printed and laminated through a third party vendor at an additional cost​


  • if vendor employees do not pass verification they can request additional information (in writing) from SSID to appeal their case.

  • How much does it cost?
    This is a free tool and service for school districts and individual schools. We are offering an Early Bird Specialfor vendors for $99/badge (valid forthe entire school year). After Early Bird pricing ends, badgeswill cost $129 per school year. Early Bird pricing runs fromJune 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024.
  • What is the data privacy policy?
    Cloud services for SafeSchoolID are provided by Heroku, a container-based cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) owned by Salesforce Inc., located at Salesforce Tower, 3rd Floor, 415 Mission Street, San Francisco, California, 94105. Heroku adheres to various compliance standards, including but not limited to: ISO 27001: This standard outlines security management and controls. ISO 27017: These are cloud-specific controls for information security. ISO 27018: This standard focuses on the protection of personal data in the cloud. SOC2 Type 2: This report covers Security, Availability, and Confidentiality controls. For more information on Heroku's compliance, please visit their compliance page at Private data is never sold to third parties and never used for marketing purposes.
  • Can schools districts override SSID badge denial?
    Yes. Schools can quickly and easily change access level in the system. A quick step guide will be provided to schools in addition to the various live and pre-recordedwebinar trainings. Pass overrides are specific to each school.
  • Can the same pass be used by multiple employees of one vendor company?
    No. Each vendor verification badge will be associated with one specific person. Each of the vendors’ employees who wish to gain access to a school covered by SSID must obtain their own individual pass.
  • How often is vendor eligibility is re-verified?
    Frequency of re-validation depends on multiple factors including: frequency of school access, school policy, and more. More frequent school access will require quarterly re-validation checks which will be automated through the SSID system. At minimum, vendors are all re-verified on an annual basis.
  • Is there an appeal process for denied vendors?
    If a vendoris denied a verification badge, they can request (in writing) additional Information on the sources of our data. SSID will provide a physical copy of source information. Subsequent remediation must be taken up with SSID data providers.

We’re Here to Help!

Every child and school employee deserves to feel safe at school, and it takes a village to ensure their safety.


SSID is here to help.


Please reach out with any questions and SSID will be happy to help determine and implement the best vendor management system for your school.

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